Toronto Youth Wind Orchestra
Founded in 1992
Wind Orchestra
Colin Clarke, Conductor
The Toronto Youth Wind Orchestra is the most advanced group in TYWO’s family of ensembles. It comprises approximately 55 players whose technical level is advanced and who show strong musicianship. The group performs a wide range of repertoire, from demanding classical and contemporary works for wind band, as well as lighter selections for specialty concerts. In addition to regular performances for the public, the Wind Orchestra presents a series of one-hour Student Concerts, designed specifically for elementary and high school students.
Members of the Wind Orchestra also participate in smaller chamber ensembles including groups for percussion and brass.
Regular rehearsals take place on Sunday afternoons from 3:00 to 5:30pm, and run from September through to May.
The main rehearsal location is the Meridian Arts Centre, 5040 Yonge Street in North York. (formerly known as the Toronto Centre for the Arts). Special rehearsals may take place in different locations.
Senior high school and post-secondary players with years of experience on their instrument. Repertoire is generally level 5 and up.
The Toronto Youth Wind Orchestra exists to supplement music programs in our community. Musicians are expected to maintain participation in their school music programs.
Wind Orchestra
Symphonic Winds
Concert Winds
Brass Ensemble
Toronto Youth Wind Orchestra
48 Ridgevale Drive,
Toronto, Ontario
M6A 1L1
Telephone/Fax: 416-321-TYWO (416-321-8996)
Charitable Organization Registration No. 14073 7966 RR0001