Frequently Asked Questions

When are the auditions?
The auditions take place on Sunday, September 15.
Where do the auditions take place?
Auditions will be held at St. Michael’s College School, 1515 Bathurst Street, on the corner of Bathurst and St. Clair West in Toronto. The school is steps away from St. Clair West Subway Station.
What are auditions like?
Auditions are scheduled in 8 minute intervals and are heard by the TYWO coaches. Candidates will have time to warm up prior to their audition. Auditions are private, and a waiting area is provided for family members.
Do I need an accompanist for my audition?
NO accompaniment, please.
Do I need to bring a music stand?
We will have music stands for you.
I’m a percussionist. What do I need to bring?
Just bring your sticks, mallets and your audition music. We’ll have all the equipment you’ll need to perform.
Can I audition on more than one instrument?
Yes! For “like” instruments (i.e. flute & piccolo; trumpet & flugelhorn) one audition is fine. However, if you’d like to audition on instruments from different instrument families then a second audition will be required.
If I am not placed in the ensemble I applied for, will I still be considered for one of the other bands?
Yes! You will be placed by our adjudicators into the ensemble best suited for your level of play.
When are rehearsals?
Concert Winds: Monday evenings from 7:00 to 8:30
Symphonic Winds: Sunday afternoons from 12:00 to 2:00
Wind Orchestra: Sunday afternoons from 3:00 to 5:30
All rehearsals take place at the Meridian Arts Centre, 5040 Yonge St in North York.
What is the cost of tuition for TYWO?
For the 2024-25 season, the tuition cost is $500 for Symphonic Winds & Wind Orchestra, and $400 for Concert Winds. Need based financial assistance is available.
What if I have to be absent from a rehearsal?
Each member is allowed 2 absences per concert cycle. Dress rehearsals and performances are mandatory.
Toronto Youth Wind Orchestra
48 Ridgevale Drive,
Toronto, Ontario
M6A 1L1
Telephone/Fax: 416-321-TYWO (416-321-8996)
Charitable Organization Registration No. 14073 7966 RR0001