The Toronto Youth Wind Orchestra provides a musical experience of pre-professional calibre to talented young musicians in the Greater Toronto Area.
The Toronto Youth Wind Orchestra provides a musical experience of pre-professional calibre to talented young musicians in the Greater Toronto Area. For years, their performances have astounded listeners who arrive expecting to hear a group of youthful amateurs, and leave comparing them to post-secondary or adult ensembles. There are TYWO alumni in several major symphony orchestras and boards of education across Canada, the U.S. and abroad. Although not all members go on to a career in music, all do carry with them the pride of being part of a unique musical family, with memories and friendships that last for years.
Toronto Youth Wind Orchestra
48 Ridgevale Drive,
Toronto, Ontario
M6A 1L1
Telephone/Fax: 416-321-TYWO (416-321-8996)
Email: backstage@tywo.ca
Charitable Organization Registration No. 14073 7966 RR0001