BAND TOGETHER! The Toronto Youth Wind Orchestra and the Ontario Band Association have joined forces to bring you the very first TYWO/OBA Elementary Honour Band! This is open to outstanding musicians in grades 7 and 8, nominated by their music teacher, from schools...
Support from Ontario Trillium Foundation
WE GET BY WITH A LITTLE HELP from our friends at the Ontario Trillium Foundation. With a Community Building Fund award, their assistance has allowed our organization to continue to deliver high-calibre programming to young Musicians in the Greater Toronto Area through...
BACK IN ACTION We shot a short promo video to celebrate our return to live music after two years of isolation. Great to be back at the Meridian Arts Centre! TYWO, April 2022
News Item 2
Duis vitae dictum ipsum. Donec nisl nisi, pellentesque ac ipsum et, aliquam ullamcorper elit. Nunc sed arcu justo. Donec est est, euismod vel suscipit ut, convallis non libero. Nulla malesuada tellus id purus dapibus, pulvinar scelerisque tortor viverra. Suspendisse a...
News Item
Donec erat orci, vestibulum nec ullamcorper sit amet, aliquet et enim. Aliquam mattis imperdiet auctor. Quisque tempus fermentum venenatis. In imperdiet eget ante vestibulum rhoncus. Etiam viverra dignissim efficitur. In at velit ut tellus consectetur cursus nec sed...