TYWO is a community-driven youth organization and operates largely through the support of a wide network of volunteers and patrons – including musician families and alumni.
Here’s where you come in.
Volunteers play important roles in our concert season. Your role could include ushering patrons, helping with our ticket pick-up, assisting with merchandise sales, helping at refreshment tables or assisting at our annual silent auction and fundraiser. You choose how involved to be: commit to a single event or our annual program of 4 to 6 concerts. TYWO performances typically take place on weekends in October, December, February and April/May in some of the GTA’s finest concert venues. Exact dates are available in the fall of each season.
Community Service Recognition
We are happy to provide verification of your community service hours for your school and/or to provide a reference letter detailing the role you played in our organization’s success. Depending on your involvement, you could earn up to 40 hours of community service for a single season.
To learn more or volunteer, call 416-321-8996 or email backstage@tywo.ca
Toronto Youth Wind Orchestra
48 Ridgevale Drive,
Toronto, Ontario
M6A 1L1
Telephone/Fax: 416-321-TYWO (416-321-8996)
Email: backstage@tywo.ca
Charitable Organization Registration No. 14073 7966 RR0001